Flooring | Heaters | Heater rack |
Here's a close-up of the flooring - you can see how open it is and the gravel around and beneath it. Next up is the heater set-up. The top heater is a 35,000BTU forced-air gas heater from a garage. It is mounted on an assembly created from two cast-aluminum computer server racks. Sturdy, drillable, yet lightweight - and won't rust! I think it also looks cool - almost like a piece of modern furniture or sculpture. The heater has louvers allowing me to direct the heat down where it needs to go before it floats back up, and also to avoid blowing directly on the hanging plants seen on the next page. The bottom, back-up heater, is a 25,000BTU Southern Burner a-1 gas heater which does not have a fan but also does not require electricity. It is set 5 degrees lower than the main heater and will step in should the main heater fail or in the event of a power failure, and prevent the greenhouse from getting too cold until I can respond to the alarm system phoning me with the alert. The next pic is a close-up of the heater rack showing its base sitting on 3 1/5" thick concrete block sitting on the gravel floor. This rack is anchored to the studs in the GH wall for stability. Note the openness of the rack allowing for plenty of air circulation around the heaters.